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Jessica Simpson squeezes into her Daisy Dukes (again) as she shows off her slimmed down legs

Just four months ago, Jessica Simpson was lambasted for piling on the pounds after she showed off a curvier figure in an unflattering pair of high-waisted jeans.

Determined to prove her critics wrong, the Texan pop star showed off her newly-toned legs in a pair of 'Daisy Dukes' denim hot pants at a concert over the weekend.

Jessica opted for the same pair of shorts she spent months working out to wear as Daisy Duke in the 2005 film version of Dukes of Hazzard.

Jessica Simpson performing live at Sea World in San Antonio, TexasJessica Simpson performing live at Sea World in San Antonio, Texas

Leggy: Jessica Simpson showed off her slender pins in a pair of denim hot pants at a concert in San Antonio, Texas on Saturday

Clearly feeling confident again after the furore over her weight, the 28-year-old performer squeezed into the tiny shorts and wedge heels as she performed at Sea World in San Antonio, Texas on Saturday.

Despite being without a record label after the pop-turned-country singer was dropped by Sony Nashville, Jessica is continuing to perform until she decides what music genre to stick with.

In an interview with the latest issue of Vanity Fair magazine, Jessica didn't address the weight issue directly, but did discuss her body image.

She said: 'It comes with what I do and I know that every day the media’s going to challenge me, is going to want to bring me down.
Confident: Jessica was in high spirits as she performed to fans at Sea World

Confident: Jessica was in high spirits as she performed to fans at Sea World

Slimmed down: Jessica spent months working out to get into her 'Daisy Dukes' hotpants in Dukes of Hazzard

Slimmed down: Jessica spent months working out to get into her 'Daisy Dukes' hotpants in Dukes of Hazzard

'But I feel like I’m at such a place that I own myself, and it’s authentic. I own that authentic part of myself, and none of those words are harsh enough to make me believe them.'

In January, Jessica hit the headlines when she appeared to be sporting a heavier figure at a concert in Florida.

Jessica was thought to have gained 10lb in recent months, despite sister Ashlee claiming her sibling is a size two (UK size six).

Taking to her MySpace page, Ashlee said: ‘I am completely disgusted by the headlines concerning my sister’s weight.

'A week after the inauguration and with such a feeling of hope in the air for our country, I find it completely embarrassing and belittling to all women to read about a woman’s weight or figure as a headline on Fox News.

‘All women come in different shapes, sizes and forms and just because you’re a celebrity there shouldn’t be a different standard.

‘How can we expect teenage girls to love and respect themselves in an environment when we criticise a size two figure?’

The former Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica reality TV star spent months sculpting her body to play Daisy Duke in Dukes Of Hazzard.

She endured two-hour workouts six days a week with personal trainer Michael Alexander, who honed her physique with a combination of running, squats, lunges and weight-resistance exercises.

She also followed a South Beach Diet-style low-carb, high-protein menu which featured grilled chicken, fish and green vegetables.

After filming the part, Jessica said: 'My body is definitely an accomplishment.'

In a 2007 interview with Harper's Bazaar magazine, she admitted she preferred being curvy to her skinnier frame.

She said: 'Curves are better. I don't get the whole rail thing. It's not good for your heart, it's not good for your mind; it's emotionally destructive, it really is.'
Criticism: Jessica appeared to have piled on the pounds as she performed in January

Criticism: Jessica appeared to have piled on the pounds as she performed in January

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