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Amy Winehouse makes a disastrous comeback as she abandons St Lucia gig halfway through performance

Amy Winehouse may wish to return to the stage, but it seems the world isn't quite ready for her yet.

The troubled singer was apparently forced to abandon a comeback gig in St Lucia after torrential rain hit the island last night.

However onlookers claim the real reason Amy left the stage was because the audience booed her shambolic performance.

Helping hand: Amy is helped to her feet after falling over during her comeback gig in St Lucia

Helping hand: Amy is helped to her feet after falling over during her comeback gig in St Lucia

Amy Winehouse Amy Winehouse

Unsteady: Amy appeared to stumble onstage, before falling down; she then removed her white high heels

After taking to stage at the St Lucia Jazz Festival in a tight-fitting blue dress and white high heels, it was reported that Amy, 25, appeared to struggle with her balance and stumbled through the lyrics of her songs.

When the crowd began to jeer, the Back to Black star is alleged to have shouted '**** you' back to the audience at least twice before leaving the stage.

However Amy's spokesman claims the star was forced to abandon the show because of weather conditions which caused technical difficulties.

He said: 'Amy would like to express her disappointment that weather forced the abandonment of her show at the St Lucia Jazz Festival last night.
 Amy Winehous

Making a comeback? Amy Winehouse abandoned her performance at the St Lucia Jazz Festival last night

'Amy and the band tried to soldier on but the set had to be cut short.

'Amy is very disappointed as St Lucia has been wonderful to her and its people have welcomed her with open arms, but circumstances beyond anyone's control meant that this special show did not go as planned.'

But MailOnline reader Victor Phillips wrote: 'I was there. She was booed off the stage.

'If it was the rain why did the act after her perform?'

And Tracey, also writing from St Lucia, said: 'Weather aside, it was not raining when Amy came on stage, it did rain heavily later in her set but that has not stopped previous performers here!
Enlarge Amy Winehouse

Shambolic: Onlookers claim Amy was booed as she appeared to stumble through her gig

'It was impossible to hear her and what you could hear was BAD! It's very sad to see someone with so much talent waste it.

'The tickets for the event are expensive for anyone and especially local people. Amy needs to take time out and sort her life out. Very disappointing.'

The singer had earlier described it as an 'honour' to be playing in the festival on the island, which seems to have become her second home.

She said in a statement: 'It is an honour to play the St Lucia Jazz Festival this year.

'Since I first came to the island, I have been greeted with nothing but kindness and friendship, as well as incredible music and the most beautiful of settings.

'I have made friends for life and have been inspired by my surroundings.
Enlarge Amy Winehouse

Weathering the storm: Amy's spokesperson claims she abandoned the gig due to torrential rain which caused technical difficulties

'The laid-back lifestyle definitely suits me - it's a home from home with great beaches.

'It also is an honour for me to appear on the same bill as great singers such as Chaka Khan and Patti LaBelle as well as great jazz musicians like Monty Alexander and George Duke.'

The 25-year-old is currently spending time recording on the island.

She said performing was a way of saying thank you 'to an island and people that have been so welcoming to me'.

Earlier this month she was taken to hospital in St Lucia after fainting. She was kept in for a night for observation and was found to be dehydrated

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