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Wills steps out with the lesser spotted Kate at polo match... while Harry shows his brother how to warm up

With his arm wrapped lovingly around her shoulders, Prince William and Kate Middleton looked every inch the young romantic couple.

The doting pair, who are rarely spotted together these days, were seen strolling around a polo club after the prince had taken part in a match.

William and Kate

Young love: Prince William wraps an arm around his smiling girlfriend Kate Middleton yesterday at a polo match near Ascot, Berkshire

kate middleton

Casual look: Kate Middleton wore jeans and boots for the event

They have both been keeping a low profile this year but enjoyed some quality time in each other's company yesterday as 27-year-old Kate came to support her boyfriend while he showed off his sporting prowess.

Earlier in the day, however, William, 26, was reminded how little brothers can sometimes be embarrassing.

Prince Harry took the opportunity to poke fun at his older sibling as they prepared to saddle up for the polo match.

While William did some sensible stretching before the first chukka at Coworth Park Polo Club, near Ascot, Berkshire, Harry put on a bizarre display.

The 24-year-old pranced around, pouting his lips and wiggling his hips, while his brother watched bemused.

One onlooker said: 'William was standing there stretching just before the start of the match and suddenly Harry started pulling a funny face and twisting his hips around. It looked a bit like he was mocking his brother.'

In March, William took Kate on a £40,000 skiing holiday to Klosters, the Swiss resort where his family usually spend Easter.

Silly... and sensible: Prince Harry prances and pouts at his brother while William limbers up before the match

Polo match

The three musketeers: The princes take to the field and show off their sporting prowess

This year he swapped the five-star Walserhof Hotel, where Prince Charles has traditionally stayed with his sons, for a lavishly appointed private chalet.

William is training to be a search-and-rescue pilot and recently completed the latest stage of his RAF course.

Prince William

Energetic: Kate came to show her support while William played in the match, but the couple are rarely spotted

He will next train to pilot a Griffin helicopter, an advance on the Squirrel he was flying, which Harry will learn to fly soon.

The princes currently share a house close to RAF Shawbury, Shropshire.

kate middleton at the polo

Banking on her man: Kate Middleton sits on the grass with a friend enjoying a glass of wine

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