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Oops she spent it again: Britney Spears gets through an eye-watering £6.7m in just 11 months

She may be a multi-millionaire but it seems that Britney Spears is as guilty as the rest of us for spending as much as she earns.

The pop star made more than £7.6million last year, but she spent an eye-watering £6.7million over the 11 months to December 31, 2008.

Miss Spears is well known for her extravagant spending and diva demands but figures lodged with a Los Angeles Court show that she is splashing the cash at a rate of £609,000 a month.

Britney Spears

Britney Spears, seen here in Los Angeles on Saturday, made more than £7.6million last year, but she spent an eye-watering £6.7million in 11 months

The singer is enjoying renewed success after a disastrous couple of years where her increasingly erratic behaviour lead to her being taken into psychiatric care under a mental health order.

But bizarrely, she is now spending more on security and staff, than she is on the care of her two young sons Sean Preston, three, and Jayden James, two.

Miss Spears, who is on a world tour, splashed out nearly £300,000 on her security team and £124,500 on general staff.

In contrast the star, who is worth more than £60million in total spent just £118,000 on her young boys.

Britney Spears 2008 Britney Spears

What a difference a year makes: Britney at the MTV Music Video Awards last year, left, and looking less than glamorous at the bash in 2007, right

Miss Spears, 27, spent the bulk of her income last year on legal fees.

She spent £2million on fees for 17 different lawyers, prompting concerns that her fortune is being frittered away.

More than half of this is being claimed by those taking care of her estate, while a significant chunk was given to ex-husband Kevin Federline to cover his family court costs.

The pair had battled for custody of their children as part of a bitter divorce, with Mr Federline eventually being awarded them in his full care.

The couple split in 2007, whereupon Miss Spears descended into a spiral of drug abuse, wild partying and depression - prompting her to lose custody of their children.

She cut off her family and was sectioned, while her father Jamie Spears took control of her and her estate in a bid help her stay under control.
Spendthrift: Britney's annual general living expenses are in excess of £90,000, in this are likely to be hefty bills for her diet and exercise regimes

Spendthrift: Britney's annual general living expenses are in excess of £90,000, in this are likely to be hefty bills for her diet and exercise regimes

Despite this, it appears there has been no curb on her spending.

Her annual general living expenses are in excess of £90,000, which likely include hefty bills for her diet and exercise regimes.

There is no breakdown in the legal documents but sources close to the star have revealed she spends more than £5,000 a month on staying in shape.

Miss Spears will arrive in London for the UK leg of her tour next month and her diva-like demands further highlight where her cash goes - last year she spent £700,000 on similar business expenses.

She has requested humidifiers and 100-watt bulbs in her hotel room at the Dorchester.
Britney Spears and her one of her sons Jayden James, two. The star is reported to be spending more on security and staff, than she is on the care of her two children

Britney and her one of her sons Jayden James, two. The star is reported to be spending more on security and staff, than she is on the care of her two children

The pop princess has taken holiday planning to the extreme for her trip to the UK in June as part of the Circus tour.

According to a hotel worker Britney has requested a room that has never been smoked in, humidifiers in all areas, a selection of the latest magazines and a fresh selection of flowers that she will then arrange herself.

For entertainment the Toxic singer would like DVDs of her favorite Marilyn Monroe movies and topical chick-lit novels.
Diva demands: Apparently Britney has requested a room at The Dorchester hotel that has never been smoked in, with a selection of the latest magazines and a fresh selection of flowers that she will then arrange herself

Diva demands: Apparently Britney has requested a room at The Dorchester hotel that has never been smoked in, with a selection of the latest magazines and a fresh selection of flowers that she will then arrange herself

Although the star will be relaxing in her room, she does not want any low lighting.

However, the singer does plan to stay active and has requested running routes for nearby Hyde Park and information on horse-riding opportunities.

Most bizarrely of all, Britney will be bringing her own pillows with her and her security will be sleeping outside her door at all times.

Britney’ Spending Box

Home Repairs: £32,588
Mortgage on one LA home: £188,449.20
Rent on Malibu home: £69,284.25
Cable and Satellite Bills: £1,194.98
Pet Care: £168.26

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