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Don't feel too sorry for Lewis Hamilton... as he jet-skis in the Med with Pussycat Doll Nicole

He might be playing second fiddle to fellow Brit Jensen Button in this year's Formula 1 Championship - but reigning F1 World Champion Lewis Hamilton doesn't need to throw a pity party quite yet.

The 24-year-old enjoyed some downtime jet-skiing in the stunning Italian seaside town of Portofino with his glamorous pop star girlfriend Nicole Scherzinger.

And she had to hold on tight as they descended from a huge yacht to race across the waves.

lewis hamilton and nicole scherzinger

Romantic getaway: Lewis Hamilton may be down the leader board but he's not out as he enjoyed a romantic break aboard a yacht in Italy with his pop star girlfriend Nicole Scherzinger of the Pussycat Dolls

Nicole Scherzinger

The love boat: Lewis took off to Italy with Nicole for a break in Portofino aboard a luxury yacht

lewis hamilton and nicole pussycat doll in portofino

All aboard: Nicole doesn't let Lewis have it all his own way as he takes control of the jet-ski

 lewis hamilton,nicole scherzinger

... but in the end he indulges his need for speed

He didn't seem too cut up about his failure to repeat his amazing success of last season - he hasn't managed to win a race so far this season.

The romantic getaway was a small consolation for Hamilton who finished out of the points again in ninth in his McLaren as Jenson Button's Brawn scored yet another win in Sunday's Spanish Grand Prix.

But despite all the obvious trappings of his success, Hamilton has said his idea of a perfect day is a little more down to earth.
lewis hamilton and nicole pussycat doll in portofino

Romance: The couple headed for one of Europe's most romantic getaways on Italy's coast

 lewis hamilton and nicole scherzinger in portofino

Sightseeing: The couple wandered around the seaside town of Portofino after disembarking from the luxury yacht they're cruising on

Shopping: Even the Formula 1 ace can't escape the holiday ritual of being dragged round the shops

He told The Times: I’m never happier than at a family get-together. I’ve got my girlfriend there
my mum and stepdad, my dad and (his second wife) Linda, my grandparents, my cousins, and we have a family day where we have great food and great laughs.

'That’s a pretty perfect day for me.'

And he enjoys family life so much that he is even considering starting one of his own.

'I’ve got a lot of young cousins, and babysitting for them is great. I find children give me a lot of energy. I can’t wait till I have ones of my own,' he said.
Lewis Hamilton and girlfriend Nicole Scherzinger

Perfect day: Nicole brings Lewis a drink as he kicks back on board their luxury yacht

Amazingly, he insists that despite the tenfold jump in his £1million a year salary, that money hasn't changed his life at all.

'I suppose it depends what kind of person you are but having money hasn’t changed my life at all,' he says with a straight face.

'It’s great to be able to pay for my apartment, but I’m the same as anyone. As long as you can pay for a roof over your head, put fuel in your car, buy food and look after your family, then life’s fine. I’m just able to do that a little bit earlier than most people.'
 lewis hamilton and nicole scherzinger in portofino

Gone cruisin': Lewis and Nicole take a back seat as they are driven back to the yacht in a dinghy

McLaren driver Lewis Hamilton

Ladies first: Nicole is helped aboard the yacht which is moored off the seaside town of Portofino

 lewis hamilton and nicole scherzinger in portofino

The honeys are home: The couple back on board the boat with their shopping

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